Employee Evaluation

Employee evaluation to regularly review workers’ job performance
And identify their strengths and weaknesses.


What Is Employee Evaluation?

Employee evaluation is a planned assessment by a supervisor to review the performance of employees. Team managers discuss expectations that have been met, exceeded, and fallen short during a specific period. They give feedback regarding employees’ progress, Kenzments, and set goals for improved performance. Employee evaluations usually take place annually and aim at helping employees achieve company goals.

This formal review of employees’ job performance is directly connected to compensation and promotions. The manager or supervisor assessing employees’ progress keeps notes throughout the year to cite incidents where an employee is lacking, exceeding, or needs improvement.

Frequency of Employee Evaluation

As most companies conduct performance reviews once a year, employee evaluations are called annual assessments. However, remembering every information and event accurately that happened throughout a year can be difficult for managers and supervisors. Hence, many consider that annual employee reviews hardly do any good to improve performance.

Employers are now adopting alternative methods to provide employees with more frequent feedback about their job performance for better results. So, based on a company’s needs and circumstances, evaluations are conducted monthly, quarterly, or weekly and some even opt for regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings.

Employee Evaluation Process

Take Regular Notes

It is hard to remember all the important information and events that happened during a year so start making notes as soon as something significant happens regarding employee performance.

Understand Goals

You cannot evaluate your employees’ performance without setting a benchmark or expectations. So, set your goals and targets against which you assess workers’ progress and performance.

Be Honest

If you want to improve your employees’ performance and hone their skills, then make sure that you are direct, clear, and honest while sharing the areas and factors that need to be changed.

Use Evaluation Form

For a consistent and organized employee evaluation process, use assessment forms that bring fairness and transparency. It also helps you avoid any kind of discrimination.

Develop Metrics

Make sure that you develop well-defined metrics and set reasonable and attainable goals for employees so they can review their progress and you can measure their performance.

Benefits of Employee Evaluation

Employee evaluation offers several benefits for employers and staff members, such as:

  • Track of progress toward goals
  • Better communication between employees and managers
  • Informed and unbiased decisions on compensation, promotions, and terminations
  • Improved company culture
  • Increased job satisfaction and retention
  • Effective training and development programs for employees
  • Improved employee performance, efficiency, and productivity

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